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For general enquiries, send us a message

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is your training portal static or interactive?

Our learning portal uses the latest interactive videos that plays on embedded HTML player that makes learning engaging and highly interactive.

2. What if I want to have a real face to face training?

We provide face-to-face training as well and all our courses are customisable for your needs. Come and speak with us.

3. Are your rates based on a monthly subscription or actual usage?

At the moment, we do not charge any monthly or annual subscription as we want you to have the flexibility to pay-as-go. And our reasonably priced rates will allow you to learn at amazing prices with substantial value-add premium materials.

4. What if I am not happy with the quality of the e-training?

We can assure you that all our courses are developed and tested to be of the highest quality. You may access the free demo training to see how a course would be like. Last but not least, we are flexible and can customise the course to meet any of your specific learning outcomes.